
He is the Senior Pastor of Jubilee Christian Church Thika Road situated on the Thika Superhighway in Nairobi, Kenya. He is married to Pastor Pauline Gacheru who is a co- pastor. They have 3(three) beautiful daughters two of which are involved in the ministry.

After two decades in ministry, Jesus appeared to Pastor Morris in February 2014 with the instruction to ‘BE MY WITNESS’ in that same moment, Christ was revealed in His heart in away that he had not known Him before. The Gospel of Jesus Christ was made plain to him and he received such insight into the realities of Christ. From that time, in his own words, ‘Christ became my reality and everything is true or false based on the truth of what Christ has done on the cross and by His resurrection.’ Pr Morris says that from that day he was delivered from cliché Christianity and the Gospel was made alive in him.

Pastor Morris and his wife Pastor Pauline have since embarked to preach and teach Christ and His Gospel as taught by Christ and the Apostles. He insists that only the Gospel is the power of God for salvation. His preaching is often followed by healing and other miracles.

He is noted for the heart he has for God’s people and holds the God Loves People outreach crusades. Pastor Morris prevailing reality, as he has often said, is “Christ Lives In Me” and intimacy with Christ. This creates a sense of God’s presence and knowledge of Christ that has led to the evidence of creative miracles in normal church services, in crusades and other meetings.

Known as a a passionate preacher, who presents the Gospel of Christ with boldness and conviction and exemplifies such a boldness of faith and conviction even in his personal life outside the pulpit. Pastor Morris has authored one book ‘LIVING IN A DIFFERENT ORDER: What Difference Does Christ Make?’